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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

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1 point

I understand what you're saying; we are choosing to have a class system. It's good how you point out that we're putting people into groups for unrelated reasons, which is only hurting our society.

1 point

Actually, some voters would like a female president. I would also assume that many women have wanted to become president, but the male candidates voted them out. This, therefore, shows that a woman would be just as capable as president, but they simply are not "normal" for presidency.

1 point

This article supports my idea that there is a class system. It states that "class now determines Americans' fates." It also gives a common simple example of how bad the class system was and still can be......... If your daddy was rich, you're gonna stay rich, and if your daddy was poor, you're gonna stay poor. In some ways that example is still true but people that are poor wouldn't except the fact that they are so they try to work their way up the social class ladder. Some become very success and others not so much.

Supporting Evidence: American Class System (
adallas7(27) Clarified
1 point

Well if the people that "don't have a chance" don't work hard to try and "rise up in the class system" then why should they "get a chance".

adairj18(9) Clarified
1 point

I agree, there was a video done a while ago. A man gave money to a homeless man and he secretly followed him and saw him buying liquor from a store. Instead, he could've bought food.

2 points

Yes, back then, women couldn't even vote! They had woman suffragists leaders such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who did their very best to allow women the right to vote

1 point

I agree so there is some separation there but because women also can't be viewed as too masculine, then they don't get those jobs so distribution of jobs ends up fairly even.

1 point

Weakened is the key word not removed, that is what changed my opinion on your argument.

1 point

I agree with Carolyn, what evidence do you have that they get negative feedback and what do men receive that women don't in the workforce.

NoahB(30) Clarified
1 point

More on these stereotypes:

In a college lecture, an instructor asked his/her class who they thought of when they thought of the upper class, and "the first two things that were said out loud were the words 'rich' and 'white.'" For the lower class, "people said 'people of color' and 'people living in apartments.'"

These stereotypes are, overall, somewhat muddled. Different people have different ideas of who the different classes are, and it may depend on the immediate region in which you live.

Supporting Evidence: What is Social Construction? (
1 point

For those saying men and women are equal, what are your facts???

1 point

Who says the Soviet Union was more successful than America?, it would just help to see some evidence behind it, once that is done I might agree with you.

cloutierj18(37) Clarified
1 point

Also colleges take a liking a richer people because then they don't have to offer scholarships since the people can pay for themselves. Thus he rich get better education creating a bigger gap.

1 point

The reason that the class system is active, is because some people don't get chances to rise up in the class system, or it's just that many people work hard and get to the top. This is just the way things are, and the people that don't work hard don't deserve the right to protest, but I believe that the people that don't have a chance do deserve a chance.

-Deniz Kalfa 1/30/15

1 point

I think that the types of jobs people have indicate the presence of a class system. For example, a number of people in the U.S. clean houses and take out trash. As a result, they do not earn as much money as a doctor or teacher. This forces them to live in poor conditions.

Supporting Evidence: 8 lowest paying jobs (
1 point

I strongly disagree. We all read "Animal Farm" in 8th grade. We all know that a society without a class system would not work. it would simply fall apart, and most likely one person would come back to the top. I do believe, however, that the class system should be reduced to a lesser standing.

1 point

I strongly disagree. We all read "Animal Farm" in 8th grade. We all know that a society without a class system would not work. it would simply fall apart, and most likely one person would come back to the top. I do believe, however, that the class system should be reduced to a lesser standing.

1 point

There is a reason that the United States is doing better then most countries, its because they have a class system. It gives people a purpose to do well. In countries that dont have a class system they are not doing so well because people dont really care.

adallas7(27) Clarified
1 point


Well how do you think the wealthier people get what they want? They worked hard for the money.

1 point

In my opinion, men and women are not equal at all. Men are looked at as the stronger, more dominate man in the relationship if there is on . The gap between men and women equality has grown immensely in the past 20 years.

Supporting Evidence: Gender Gap (
1 point

That's true but, we'll know that the money would be distributed evenly. You don't need the fancy houses, cars, and garage, all you need is something affordable to support your needs.

1 point

The numbers show that woman earn a lot less than men, I think it is just general perception of them that gets misconceived, that hey are weaker and inferior, which is simply not true. A lot of times their production can be higher than men because they are more professional in the work place.

Supporting Evidence: femaleincomedesparity (
1 point

Separate classes will always be part of a country, no matter how you try to split the money and jobs up.

1 point

What if men were the superior gender? Why should they get more pay though? Just because they have more to offer doesn't mean that they should get more benefits. I believe that everyone should be equal because although we have less to offer in some categories, in other categories we excel.

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