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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

AnjiniC's Waterfall RSS

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6 points

In the past, women have filled the roles of parent and housewife. Nowadays, however, women are making great strides in professional careers and the sciences. Although men and women may not be given equal job opportunities yet, society is starting to recognize women as being “equal” to men.

One example of this can be found in our own community. Two years ago, a math/science day for girls only was held at MSU. The day consisted of four selected courses that exposed many fields of science such as entomology. Institutions all over the country are now creating similar programs to inspire future women.

7 points

Although the United States has taken many measures to ensure the equality of its citizens, there is still a noticeable gap between the incomes of people. This discrepancy is responsible for a class system within the U.S., which, in turn, can permanently affect Americans’ lifestyles. For instance, families with more money can afford to invest lavishly in their children’s education, whether it be mandolin lessons, Mandarin, or golf. As a result, these children are more likely to be successful in school. In addition, colleges tend to accept applicants who come from wealthy backgrounds, knowing that they can pay full tuition, and possibly donate. This makes it difficult for children from lower income families to rise to high paying positions.

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