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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

Harronc18's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Harronc18's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

What feedback was received that makes them not achieve the same results as men? Where is your evidence?

4 points

I agree that we have been way too greedy. We should be donating more and helping others.

5 points

I agree. The fact that some people think men are stronger than women proves there's discrimination.

5 points

Carolyn Harron

I believe the United States has a "class system" because people who appear to be richer are "put at the top" while people who may not have much money are "put to the bottom"

Supporting Evidence: class system (
5 points

Carolyn Harron

I do not think women have equal rights. Like it says in the article, the United States Constitution still does not provide women with the same rights as men. It has been almost a century later since we were granted the right to vote, so why aren't we equal?

Supporting Evidence: unequal rights (

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