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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

Hetrickc18's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hetrickc18's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Separate classes will always be part of a country, no matter how you try to split the money and jobs up.

1 point

I think eventually both men and women will be treated equally

1 point

By Reducing the amount of the poor, we as a country would be stronger, everyone could support themselves and not rely on other people to support them. But making less poor would mean we would need to create more jobs for those people to work.

2 points

The difference in amount of people who attend male sports compared to women in astronomical, the pay differential is also not even close. The highest NBA 2014-15 salary is 23,500,000 and that is for Kobe Bryant. The total league wages for all WNBA is 10,368,000. Kobe Bryant makes more then double what the WNBA pays out for its players every year.

2 points

I think that we should figure out a way to make the classes a bit more close, and try to eliminate the poor by creating more jobs for people to do and offering more pay.

4 points

I think that no matter your gender you should be paid equal, the performance out of a employee doesn't depend on what gender they are, but on how hard and productive they are.

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