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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

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1 point

Eventually things like that pan out and they will have tomwoek hard eventually. Also , that is not the case for the most part so you can't really take that intomconsideration

1 point

There has to be a class system though because if there wasn't there would be no reason to get a good job because you would make the same amount of money.

1 point

What about the men that are abused? And not all men don't care. I think you might be surprised the number of men that do care and try to be carrying.

nickw(15) Clarified
2 points

I meant big business and leaders at the beginning of my argument

2 points

You are correct this argument was completely opinionated and had no evidence

2 points

The wealthy weren't always chosen to be in bigness. what it comes down to is people want a good leader of their country, generally that means someone who has an education and experience. These people tend to be richer because they have put time, work, and energy into their life to improve it. Also people don't have to donate to charities, it may be the good thing to do but what it comes down to is they worked hard for their money, why should they have to give it away if they don''t want to. That being said, it would be nice if they donated, it just doesn't mean they must do it.

2 points

You say you want equal wages but that can't work. If everyone is being paid the same, or even about the same, there would be no reason to get a good education and job. Some jobs are harder and need more time put into them, so if it were equal pay there would be no reason to get a good job. Everyone would just get an easy job because at the end of the day you would be making the same amount of money as everyone else. It be like paying someone at a job that takes little to none education the same amount as some one who spent years of their life learning how to succeed at there job. It would not work.

1 point

A lot of times though people may be working hard but only to get out of the hole they already dug themselves in. People who work hard a get a good education deserve a pay off, other wise you could have people not trying at all in life and have the same benefits as a hard working, educated person. If we had no class system and equal pay, no one would ever want to do their part in the community because what's the point? Everyone would make the same amount which gives no motive.

3 points

I agree that women aren't as equal, especially not in the work place. I found that on average women only make 77 cents to every dollar a man makes. What have you found that proves your argument.

nickw(15) Clarified
4 points

People can be classified by how far or much of an education they have gotten.

1 point

It was targeted at men being over powering when in reality they are not always. On occasion what you explained can happen but it doesn't mean it always does.

nickw(15) Clarified
2 points

class systems are hard to create and can be created in many different ways, but they do exist.

6 points

People who work hard in life should be rewarded. What I got from your argument was that everyone should have equal pay. Maybe I misinterpreted it, but that can't happen because there is no motive to work.

4 points

I agree with you that the only way for equality is to believe in it.

nickw(15) Clarified
2 points

On average women made 23% less than men in 2010. I believe the only way to fix this issue is for people to change their perspective and remain unbiased.

5 points

although I agree with you on the matter of inequality in america, i disagree on the fact that only women are abused. Men face similar issues even if less common.

4 points

I think that there is inequality in the USA. It is proven that women makee less then men.

6 points

Yes, there are at least four classes; upper, lower, middle, working ect.... People can be put into a class by two ways, objective or subjective. Objective is when you use certain criteria such as occupation, education, or income. With objective, the author is decides which social class you are in. With subjective you would ask the people what class they think they are in. One of the biggest effects on where people are placed is how far they went in school. Statistics show that people who have a college degree end up making a higher yearly wage. There are social classes in america but it does not mean that people live by them.

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