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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

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6 points

People who work hard in life should be rewarded. What I got from your argument was that everyone should have equal pay. Maybe I misinterpreted it, but that can't happen because there is no motive to work.

4 points

I agree with you that the only way for equality is to believe in it.

nickw(15) Clarified
2 points

On average women made 23% less than men in 2010. I believe the only way to fix this issue is for people to change their perspective and remain unbiased.

5 points

although I agree with you on the matter of inequality in america, i disagree on the fact that only women are abused. Men face similar issues even if less common.

4 points

I think that there is inequality in the USA. It is proven that women makee less then men.

6 points

Yes, there are at least four classes; upper, lower, middle, working ect.... People can be put into a class by two ways, objective or subjective. Objective is when you use certain criteria such as occupation, education, or income. With objective, the author is decides which social class you are in. With subjective you would ask the people what class they think they are in. One of the biggest effects on where people are placed is how far they went in school. Statistics show that people who have a college degree end up making a higher yearly wage. There are social classes in america but it does not mean that people live by them.

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