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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

Destiny-A's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Destiny-A's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

This is a great argument! Women should have equal rights to women.

3 points

I agree with your statement, America should help equal out the pay for women.

3 points

I very much agree with you, women should have equal rights compared to men.

11 points

America used to be very separate, we have came a long way. The wealthy were always chosen to be in big business/government, instead of the middle/poor. I don't believe it is as segregated as it used to be, but people are very greedy now a days. They don't donate to charities as much, It is better than before, but think of how many homeless people have starved to death... We will always need improvement on helping others. America need to become more equal and less leaning towards the rich. We should donate more. We need to help others to become more equal. Everyone should become middle class, so America would be equal.

7 points

Since day one men always have been "superior" over women. As being a women, I know we are always known as the weaker link, that we aren't as strong as men. But we should have equal rights! The government says we are equal, but yet manly men are in the government. Of course they are going to say we are equal because they want America to be balanced; or being in agreement. Women now a day are treated like trash. Men shouldn't have the right to abuse women nor should we, but women are just trying to fight back in a man powered world. Women don't get fair options to get a job either. Did you know in the directing business, that for every 15 men, there is one woman director? This is so true, women don't get dream jobs as easily. Almost every business, they would pick a man over a women. America should stop being sexist, and support women & equally.

Supporting Evidence: For ever 15 men there is one woman director (

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