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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

Cloutierj18's Waterfall RSS

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3 points

What is your evidence towards believing there is a class system? You say that there is one and you give examples as to how to fix it, but you don't back it up with evidence that there even is a class system.

3 points

Also, if they weren't social classes, then how would we get the stereotypes of a dirty homeless man or a snobby rich man? They wouldn't exist unless there was a form of separation as to how we are grouped.

3 points

I totally understand what you mean by being grouped by different traits and I agree.

cloutierj18(37) Clarified
6 points

Another place there is a flaw in equality is in the sports field. It is always big news when a men's sports team wins, but women are hardly ever congratulated if they get a win for their team. No matter who is playing, women or men, if they are your sports team, they should be congratulated for it.

Supporting Evidence: Why Aren't Womens Sports Equal to Mens? (
3 points

I totally agree! Women are always passed up or jobs because they are seen as weaker and inferior to men.

10 points

The United States has a class system for sure. Although we have come a long way from being discriminating, there is still some evidence to the segregation between different classes of people. They make these classes based on wealth and education among other things. Even scientists agree there is some evidence to these classes.

Supporting Evidence: The Class Structure in the U.S. (
26 points

Everyone says that men are physically stronger, thus, women are already set up for discrimination and unequal opportunities. Because of women's lack of strength, they don't get some of the jobs, like a construction worker, that men can easily get. A lot of the time women are passed up because they are quieter and have more internal control which presents them, again, as weak and incapable.

Supporting Evidence: Women and Men- Different but Equal? (

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