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Ms Holmes Lit Comp 9 OHS

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4 points

I wouldn't necessary agree that "If every person genuinely believed in equality, equality would exist" because everyone is not going to agree on everything. As long as the vast majority believes it, it should be able to actually happen. Movements should still be able to work as long as it is out in society and people will fight for it and sooner or later the people will decide how they feel about.

5 points

I totally agree with your argument! There are fewer wealthy people and they could make a big difference if more were to support the poor and needy people. People definitely could be working on this gap. Wealthy people are not the only ones who can make a difference. What could the middle class do too that would shorten this gap between classes?

3 points

I don't know if the U.S has an official class system or not. I believe that the U.S does have one because people are quick to judge that someone is wealthy, poor, or middle class. I also would say that the government seems to treat the people of the community like there are different classes. For example homeless people or very poor people can go to the government and ask for food stamps or help getting back on their feet. Another example when you are applying to college, some people get financial aid or take out several loans to help them pay off school. People who make a fairly nice amount of money but still don't have enough money cannot get financial aid. They only allow people who are "poor" to get help. There are several other ways that the government separates it's people based on how much money you make and how you have.

4 points

I definitely believe that women have come a long way from how things used to be. But I believe that things between men and women are still not equal. It has changed from when women were being totally ignored in society to then if they were married they were their husband's property and couldn't do anything without getting their permission first. I think that the 19th amendment didn’t come soon enough. Women had been fighting for that right for too long. Women have been fighting for their freedom and right to vote for a long time and once they got the right to vote, people were still treating them anything but equal. Today I still believe men and women are still not equal. Most men still get paid more for the most part and are favored over woman in many job positions or other positions.

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